
My name is Dan and I’m an engineer. Despite working full time for an iconic British car manufacturer, I always love to design things, build things and make things better. With the Covid lockdown, all my normal escapes were put on hold and instead I bought a pizza oven.  Unsurprisingly I soon started making my own equipment. What started off as a few prototypes for my own use transformed overnight, in to Slice of Fire, and here we are.

At the moment it’s just me, a bunch of tools in my garage, and some fantastic British suppliers. There are companies out there that do what I do, but by keeping it simple I hope to make the sorts of products I’d like to use in my garden pizza oven, and do it at an affordable price.

I can’t promise to restock overnight, nor can I promise to make the most technically advanced products, but I will always listen to feedback and I will always deliver on my promises. I hope you enjoy using my products, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings.
